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Who Are we?

Our mission is to connect businesses with the right agencies, so they can make more revenue and grow together.

Digital Quotes Australia was built on over 10 years experience in the digital industry in Australia. We quickly discovered that digital services are not regulated in Australia, offshore providers have entered Australia's marketplace using spam emails, and have saturated the Web with unethical and expensive digital practices that end up leaving the customer (you) with negative cashflow, out of pocket expenses and worse... Unnecessary business debt!

We strive to help you partner with the best Australian based digital agency that is suited to your business requirements so you can grow your business!

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Our Process

Businesses that are looking for a marketing solution just need to complete our simple quote form, your information is then reviewed and sent to our registered marketing agencies. Marketing companies that want to respond will contact you offering marketing advice and a quote for their services. There is no cost or obligation for businesses to work with any marketing companies that quote you.

Free & Non Bias Marketing Comparison Tool

Marketing Quotes is a non bias privately owned Melbourne based company that aims to help Aussie businesses find the best marketing partner for their marketing campaigns based on location, industry experience and price.